Deadline: 30-Apr-2025
CEITEC MU is excited to announce an open post-doctoral position in Konstantinos Tripsianes's Research Group!
Applications are invited for the position in the research group of Konstantinos Tripsianes, Ph.D. Dishevelled (DVL) is the central hub of Wnt signal transduction that integrates and transduces upstream signals through distinct cytoplasmic cascades. Looking at the many DVL faces reported in literature, three salient features underlying its function in signaling can be highlighted: (1) it interacts with more than seventy binding partners, (2) it is heavily phosphorylated at multiple sites by at least eight different kinases, in particular by Ck1ε/δ after Wnt stimulation, and (3) it consistently forms puncta in the cytosol, that are phase-separated self-assemblies also called liquid droplets.
Their working hypothesis is that DVL conformational plasticity mediated by the order-disorder interactions allows the combinatorial integration of phosphorylation input, partners binding, self-assembly in droplets, and allosteric coupling, to exquisitely control signal routing. They integrate structural biology (NMR, SAXS, X-ray, MS-HDX) and biophysical techniques (FRET, ITC, BLI) with cellular readouts (TopFlash, BRET) to understand DVL structure, function, and regulation. Candidates can choose among three open questions, that if resolved, will have significant impact on Wnt research.