Job: Associate Senior Lecturer (WCMM Fellow) in Molecular Medicine with a focus on basic research into regenerative medicine and disease mechanisms
Deadline: 10-Feb-2025
In this call for proposals (Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellow), they are looking for prominent researchers with international research experience.
The position is located at the Faculty of Medicine and placement in a department will be made in connection with the appointment. The position is a temporary assignment for five years. The contract can be renewed, if, due to absence due to illness, parental leave or other special reasons, additional time is needed to achieve the purpose of the appointment.
The appointed researcher will get a generous starting package of SEK 12 million, funded by WCMM, to cover four years of their own salary, the salary for a doctoral student and a postdoc, as well as running costs, including indirect costs. There is also the possibility of funding of operating and hire costs and research education, through the Faculty of Medicine’s standard models for the distribution of resources. Furthermore, part-funding of your own salary is also possibly through teaching commitments. The receiver is expected to cover any costs, in addition to what is covered by the starting package for research activities and the Faculty of Medicine’s standard funding models, with external grants. By decision, the Faculty of Medicine will provide full funding of your own salary (including OH) for year five, if this is required to achieve sufficient competence for promotion to senior lecturer.